Lena Behrmann
Lena Behrmann
  • Working area 1
German (Mother tongue)



The BET bromodomain inhibitor ZEN-3365 targets the Hedgehog signaling pathway in acute myeloid leukemia
Wellbrock J, Behrmann L, Muschhammer J, Modemann F, Khoury K, Brauneck F, Bokemeyer C, Campeau E, Fiedler W
ANN HEMATOL. 2021;100(12):2933-2941.


The bone marrow stromal niche: a therapeutic target of hematological myeloid malignancies
Behrmann L, Wellbrock J, Fiedler W
EXPERT OPIN THER TAR. 2020;24(5):451-462.

Downregulation of GLI3 Expression Mediates Chemotherapy Resistance in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Freisleben F, Behrmann L, Thaden V, Muschhammer J, Bokemeyer C, Fiedler W, Wellbrock J
INT J MOL SCI. 2020;21(14):.


Acute Myeloid Leukemia and the Bone Marrow Niche-Take a Closer Look
Behrmann L, Wellbrock J, Fiedler W
FRONT ONCOL. 2018;8:444.

Combined inhibition of receptor tyrosine and p21-activated kinases as a therapeutic strategy in childhood ALL
Siekmann I, Dierck K, Prall S, Klokow M, Strauss J, Buhs S, Wrzeszcz A, Bockmayr M, Beck F, Trochimiuk M, Gottschling K, Martens V, Khosh-Naucke M, Gerull H, Müller J, Behrmann L, Blohm M, Zahedi R, Jeremias I, Sickmann A, Nollau P, Horstmann M
BLOOD ADV. 2018;2(19):2554-2567.

Letzte Aktualisierung aus dem FIS: 18.09.2024 - 02:48 Uhr