Our Green UKE

Healthy Growth – Appreciating Resources

With our green agenda, we pursue goals that reach far beyond environmental protection - from waste reduction to satisfied patients and employees because we don’t just want to make our patients healthier, but our environment as well.

The energy policy of UKE

We are committed to the efficient and sustainable use of energy and limited natural resources. We consider this to be an important part of our business activities and consider it to be one of the key factors for current and future economic success.

More information

Green targets

Based on our responsibility for the future, we – as a “green” hospital – want to conduct ourselves in all areas according to the principles of sustainability.

Green projects

We have already implemented many pioneering environmental projects. For example the technical innovations in energy management...


Frank Dzukowski
Frank Dzukowski
  • Head of Sustainability/Climate Management

O35 , 2nd Floor, Room number 206