UCCH networks
UCCH's declared aim is not to limit developments and objectives to internal members of the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, but to establish the UCCH together with its external cooperation partner networks for patient care and research. The networks have the joint goal of interdisciplinary clinical and pre-clinical cancer research as well as cancer diagnostics and therapy at the highest medical level within the metropolitan area of Hamburg.
Hamburg network for targeted therapies of gastrointestinal tumors
Due to findings of molecular specialties of tumor cells like the presence of cell surface receptors or alterations (mutations) in the signal transmission within the tumor cell, tumor therapy can be applied in a more targeted and therefore more effective way.
The exploration of new pharmaceuticals targeting these mutations usually happens within big, often international trials. As the molecular mutations cannot be observed in every patient (usually only in a small percentage of patients), we founded the network for targeted therapy in Hamburg. In doing so, we have the possibility to scan a lot more patients for these mutations and offer them new drugs in clinical trials within our network.
Due to the rarity of some of these mutations we can only offer you the trial participation at one location within our network.
Further we would like to introduce you to the physicians of our network offering clinical trials in our brochure:
More information in our brochure (in German)
Cancer Fighting Center Hamburg
In order to support the reputation and expertise of Hamburg as a place of fighting cancer, the University Cancer Center Hamburg (UCCH) at the Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf and the chamber of commerce declared their shared aim to nationally and internationally promote Hamburg as “Cancer Fighting Center Hamburg”. Moreover, they want to reinforce the cooperation between economy and clinics as well as to increase investment.
The UCCH established a competence network consisting of research, diagnostic and therapy facilities in the metropolitan area of Hamburg. Moreover, research and scientific institutions as well as companies are involved in the joint project, like the Radiation Center Hamburg, Philips and the bio-technical company Indivumed GmbH.
The merchant association Hamburg supports the initiative with their future project “Hamburg 2030” in declaring the “Cancer Fighting Center” as one of their lighthouses.
Declaration of partners of the "Cancer Fighting Center Hamburg" (Jan, 08 2015, in German)
Intercultural network for cancer therapy - Turkish / German
For Hamburg cancer patients with a Turkish background a novel “therapy without borders” is available in the newly founded intercultural network for cancer therapy.
According to the statistical office, about a third of Hamburg’s population has a migration background, the majority of them having their roots in Turkey. Therefore, the UCCH recently started an offer for Turkish-speaking patients.
The aim is a comprehensive medical care without language barriers and cultural distance. The physicians in the network are specialists in oncology, surgery, urology or radiotherapy and speak Turkish. They can furthermore contact resources from the network.
An extension of the intercultural service in other languages is currently planned.
Brochure about the intercultural network for cancer therapy (in German)
Head and Coordination
Dr. med. Anne Marie Asemissen, a.asemissen@uke.de
Specialized Outpatient Care
Specialized outpatient care was introduced for the area "Gastrointestinal Tumors and Tumors of the Abdominal Cave" (GIT). The specialized outpatient care is offered jointly by hospitals and general practitioners of various disciplines.
The UCCH was able to draw on existing network structures during the development of the specialized outpatient care – a clear advantage in the formation of the specialized outpatient care teams.
Hamburg Prostate Cancer Consortium (HPCC)
The Hamburg Prostate Cancer Consortium (HPCC) represents a collaborative network dedicated to prostate cancer research between the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) , the Martini-Klinik Prostate Cancer Center , the University of Hamburg (UHH) , the Technical University of Hamburg (TUHH) as well as other institutes, clinics and research facilities within the greater city of Hamburg.
Founded in 2022, the HPCC evolved from earlier collaborations including the “Forschungsgruppe Fortgeschrittenes Prostatakarzinom” (FFP) within the UKE network. The Hamburg Prostate Cancer Consortium was recently established to form a central hub for collaborative translational research in this field.
The main objective of the HPCC is to create a common and recognized platform for scientific interaction between the partners to cultivate a synergistic integration of preclinical and translational expertise within the network.