Patient safety
The safety of our patients as well as optimal treatment quality are important to us. We continuously work to improve patient safety. We constantly learn from the analyses of reports by our patients and employees as well as from findings made in the course of ward rounds. By becoming a member at Qualitä, we have accepted to meet high standards and are audited every year by an external, independent auditor in the area of patient safety.
Patient Bracelet
Patient Bracelet At the UKE, all patients receive a patient bracelet. It shows the first and last name, and the patient identification. Checking the bracelets during all interventions, administrations of medications, and consultations and examinations ensures that the correct measures are taken for each patient.
Prior to an intervention with our patients, we work through a checklist – similar to the one before the take-off of an airplane. In the surgery room itself, the team pauses prior to the intervention to make sure – again by means of a checklist and additional questions – that everything was done with the maximum amount of safety for the patient.
Safety in Therapies
Involving Medication Doctor’s orders are entered into an electronic prescription software and forwarded to the pharmacy. There, the computer labels them individually and packages them for our patients. In the ward, nurses administer medications to the patients after checking the patient bracelet. Thus, we ensure the highest degree of patient safety during the medication process. All patients receive precisely the drugs prescribed to them and in the exact dosage.
Reporting Systems
By means of various systems, employees and patients are able to report incidents, for example, errors without consequences (Critical Incident Reporting System, CIRS) or adverse events (in German: “Unerwünschte Ereignisse” = UE). Furthermore, a multitude of reports related to patients is recorded via Praise and Complaint Management as well as via the corporate suggestion system. Therefore, we receive more than 3,000 reports every year. Many of them are systematically analyzed and discussed in special circles. Insofar as it is possible and necessary, measures are derived to enhance patient safety, patient orientation and treatment quality.
Reanimation Team
If, however, something should not work as planned and reanimation is required, a reanimation team is on stand-by around the clock, able to reach every patient in the hospital within the shortest amount of time. In addition, our special training center constantly offers training sessions for all employees regarding this issue.
Multi-Resistant Pathogens
In accordance with the recommendation of the Robert-Koch-Institute, all our patients are tested for multi-resistant pathogens during admission if certain criteria are present. If such germs are detected within the subsequent process, measures are immediately taken in close collaboration with our highly specialized Hospital Hygiene Department in order to ensure the safety of the patient.
Mortality and morbidity conferences
A modern clinic necessitates a good error management culture. In this context, the most important goal is to learn from mistakes. Mortality and morbidity conferences are a major tool in error analysis. In these conferences, all UKE clinics systematically process incidents and take measures to prevent a reoccurrence of such errors.