Sina Neyazi (geb. Al-Kershi)
Dr. med.
Sina Neyazi (geb. Al-Kershi)
  • Assistant physician
Working area


O47 , 1st Floor
German (Mother tongue)

Areas of expertise



Molecular refinement of pilocytic astrocytoma in adult patients
Bode H, Kresbach C, Holdhof D, Dorostkar M, Harter P, Hench J, Frank S, Suwala A, Schweizer L, Eckhardt A, Neyazi S, Bockmayr M, Wefers A, Schüller U
NEUROPATH APPL NEURO. 2024;50(1):e12949.

Transcriptomic and epigenetic dissection of spinal ependymoma (SP-EPN) identifies clinically relevant subtypes enriched for tumors with and without NF2 mutation
Neyazi S, Yamazawa E, Hack K, Tanaka S, Nagae G, Kresbach C, Umeda T, Eckhardt A, Tatsuno K, Pohl L, Hana T, Bockmayr M, Kim P, Dorostkar M, Takami T, Obrecht D, Takai K, Suwala A, Komori T, Godbole S, Wefers A, Otani R, Neumann J, Higuchi F, Schweizer L, Nakanishi Y, Monoranu C, Takami H, Engertsberger L, Yamada K, Ruf V, Nomura M, Mohme T, Mukasa A, Herms J, Takayanagi S, Mynarek M, Matsuura R, Lamszus K, Ishii K, Kluwe L, Imai H, von Deimling A, Koike T, Benesch M, Kushihara Y, Snuderl M, Nambu S, Frank S, Omura T, Hagel C, Kugasawa K, Mautner V, Ichimura K, Rutkowski S, Aburatani H, Saito N, Schüller U
ACTA NEUROPATHOL. 2024;147(1):22.


Atypical Neurofibromas reveal distinct epigenetic features with proximity to benign peripheral nerve sheath tumor entities
Kresbach C, Dottermusch M, Eckhardt A, Ristow I, Paplomatas P, Altendorf L, Wefers A, Bockmayr M, Belakhoua S, Tran I, Pohl L, Neyazi S, Bode H, Farschtschi S, Well L, Friedrich R, Reuss D, Snuderl M, Hagel C, Mautner V, Schüller U
NEURO-ONCOLOGY. 2023;25(9):1644-1655.

Generation of new transgenic SMARCA4-deficient mouse models results in neuromuscular weakness and paralysis of limbs
Neyazi S, Altendorf L, Schwetje D, Göbel C, Schoof M, Holdhof D, Schüller U
BRAIN PATHOL. 2023;33(3):e13146.

The tumor suppressor CREBBP and the oncogene MYCN cooperate to induce malignant brain tumors in mice
Schoof M, Epplen G, Walter C, Ballast A, Holdhof D, Göbel C, Neyazi S, Varghese J, Albert T, Kerl K, Schüller U
ONCOGENESIS. 2023;12(1):36.

Mouse models of pediatric high-grade gliomas with MYCN amplification reveal intratumoral heterogeneity and lineage signatures
Schoof M, Godbole S, Albert T, Dottermusch M, Walter C, Ballast A, Qin N, Olivera M, Göbel C, Neyazi S, Holdhof D, Kresbach C, Peter L, Epplen G, Thaden V, Spohn M, Blattner-Johnson M, Modemann F, Mynarek M, Rutkowski S, Sill M, Varghese J, Afflerbach A, Eckhardt A, Münter D, Verma A, Struve N, Jones D, Remke M, Neumann J, Kerl K, Schüller U
NAT COMMUN. 2023;14(1):7717.


Updates in the classification of ependymal neoplasms: The 2021 WHO Classification and beyond
Kresbach C, Neyazi S, Schüller U
BRAIN PATHOL. 2022;32(4):.

A new amplicon-based gene panel for next generation sequencing characterization of meningiomas
Mawrin C, Koch R, Waldt N, Sandalcioglu I, Braunsdorf W, Warnke J, Goehre F, Meisel H, Ewald C, Neyazi S, Schüller U, Kirches E
BRAIN PATHOL. 2022;32(2):.

Long noncoding RNAs as regulators of pediatric acute myeloid leukemia
Neyazi S, Ng M, Heckl D, Klusmann J
Molecular and cellular pediatrics. 2022;9(1):.


Recommendations for Diagnosis and Treatment of Children with Transient Abnormal Myelopoiesis (TAM) and Myeloid Leukemia in Down Syndrome (ML-DS)
Al-Kershi S, Golnik R, Flasinski M, Waack K, Rasche M, Creutzig U, Dworzak M, Reinhardt D, Klusmann J
KLIN PADIATR. 2021;233(6):267-277.

Brahma-related gene 1 has time-specific roles during brain and eye development
Holdhof D, Schoof M, Neyazi S, Spohn M, Kresbach C, Göbel C, Hellwig M, Indenbirken D, Moreno N, Kerl K, Schüller U
DEVELOPMENT. 2021;148(10):.

Malignant gliomas with H3F3A G34R mutation or MYCN amplification in pediatric patients with Li Fraumeni syndrome
Schoof M, Kordes U, Volk A, Al-Kershi S, Kresbach C, Schüller U
ACTA NEUROPATHOL. 2021;142(3):591-593.


The stem cell-specific long noncoding RNA HOXA10-AS in the pathogenesis of KMT2A-rearranged leukemia
Al-Kershi S, Bhayadia R, Ng M, Verboon L, Emmrich S, Gack L, Schwarzer A, Strowig T, Heckl D, Klusmann J
BLOOD ADV. 2019;3(24):4252-4263.

Letzte Aktualisierung aus dem FIS: 18.09.2024 - 02:45 Uhr