UCCH physical activity programs
Physical activity and sports during (chemo-) therapy
This exercise program was developed for patients, who are still in chemotherapy or radiation. Goal of the activities is to preserve and improve physical performance during the therapy and especially reduce disease-related/ therapy-induced symptoms like fatigue (sleepiness), pain and nausea.
The fitness program contains the following:
- A soft training program for the cardio-vascular system, e.g. cycle ergometer, treadmill or cross trainer
- A soft strengthening of arm, breast and thorax muscles using small fitness tools like Theraband
- Flexibility training for a overall stretching of the body
The fitness training is offered as individual therapy or in small groups for max three patients. To take part in the program, you need to get a prescription (remedy order) by your general practitioner for six to ten sessions.
Physical activity and sports during cancer aftercare
This fitness program is designed for patients already being in aftercare. Goal of the program is to reestablish general health and physical fitness. Furthermore, some exercises especially strengthen the immune system and decrease chronic sleepiness (fatigue). The program contains the following:
- A training program for the cardio-vascular system
- Strengthening of arm, chest and thorax muscles using small fitness tools like Theraband
- Coordination training
There will be about eight to ten people in one group with ten units of training. Health insurances support this offer.
Rehabilitationsport in sports clubs
What is rehabilitation sports?
Rehabilitation sports offers you the possibility to improve your physical fitness and positively supports your therapy through physical games and exercises in a group, making it possible to take part in society again.
Goals of rehabilitation sports
Rehabilitation sports has the objective to train endurance and strength, to recover coordination and flexibility as well as to improve self-confidence and to give support for self-help. The responsibility for the own health shall be advanced and the equal, self-determined participation in life shall be ensured.
How long can you do rehabilitation sports?
Rehabilitation sports can be prescripted by your physician. Contact your physician to find out if rehabilitation sports is useful in your situation. Generally, the prescription of rehabilitation sports is limited.
- Usually: 50 units within 18 months
- After an outpatient/inpatient medical rehabilitation a second rehabilitation can be necessary and be prescripted
- With a new diagnosis, a renewal of the prescription is also possible
Where can you do rehabilitation sports in Hamburg and its surroundings?
List of sport clubs, which offer sport programs for cancer aftercare (in German only)
Please find further information under www.brs-hamburg.de
"Rowing against Cancer"
The project „Rowing against Cancer“ gives patients of the Hubertus Wald Tumor Center a chance of getting regularly involved with physical exercising. We offer you the possibility to take part in rowing training together with other patients and to get integrated in the rowing community. Rowing means:
- To use all muscles of the body in a moderate way
- To train endurance, strength and coordination
- To enjoy physical activity in a rowing team
- To learn specific movements
- To increase life quality after or during a cancer disease
- To reduce unpleasant side effects of cancer therapy
- To create a physical compensation
Further information on our prevention program “Rowing against Cancer”