Current EU Funding Opportunities

  • Cluster 1 – Health: Information

    The updated Work Programme 2023-2025 has been published and it contains new calls in Cluster 1 Health.

    Currently open - Deadline 26 November 2024

    Regarding further opportunities to collaborative research projects within Pillar II in the Horizon Europe Programme, there will not be any further calls published this year. The second Horizon Europe strategic plan 2025 to 2027 was published in March 2024 and provides the basis for the Work Programme 2025. This Work Programme will contain the content for the topics for research and innovation actions from 2025, however, because it cannot be published until the new EU Commission is in office, this is expected in the first quarter of 2025. As soon as further information becomes available, we will share it with you.

    For further information, follow the links and/or contact us .

  • ERC - Excellence Grants

    The European Research Council (ERC) supports excellent researchers at different stages in their careers for groundbreaking and visionary research.

    Starting Grants provide support for promising early career scientists from 2-7 years after PhD defence or 4-9 years after MD*.

    Consolidator Grants provide support for excellent researchers from 7-12 years after PhD defence or 9-14 years after MD*.

    Advanced Grants are aimed at leading and established researchers who have achieved excellent scientific results in the last 10 years.

    Synergy Grants provide support to a group of 2 to 4 excellent researchers regardless of their career stage. The ambitious research project can only be implemented through the specific expertise of the group.

    *Reference date to calculate the eligibility window is the 1 January of the year of the call. Exceptions regarding the funding eligibility window can be made under certain conditions.

    The following apply to all ERC Research Grants:

    • Pioneering research is funded
    • There are no prescribed priorities or topics for project ideas: bottom up
    • The only selection criteria is scientific excellence

    Open and forthcoming:

    Call 2025 Call opensDeadline
    ERC Starting Grantopen15 October 2024
    ERC Synergy Grantopen06 November 2024
    ERC Consolidator Grant26 September 202414 January 2025
    ERC Advanced Grant22 May 202528 August 2025

    For further information, follow the links and/or contact us

  • ERC - Proof of Concept Grants

    ERC Proof of Concept Grants allow for verification of innovative potential of ERC project results.

    Currently open:

    ERC Proof of Concept Grants 2024

    ERC grantees can apply for a proof of concept grant during or shortly after their ERC research grant.

    Regardless of the actual project costs a flat rate of 150.000 Euro is awarded.

    The duration can be up to a maximum of 18 months.

    The next deadline is on 17 September 2024.


    ERC Proof of Concept Grants 2025

    The ERC has already announced the expected call dates for the 2025 Call.

    The Call opens on 13 November 2024, the deadlines are 13 March 2025 | 18 September 2025.

    For further information click here and/or contact us .

  • Support for researcher mobility (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks, Postdoctoral Fellowships, Staff Exchanges)

    The Marie Skłodowska-Curie programme provides funding to support international, interdisciplinary, and cross-sectoral mobility in research.


    Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships

    The Postdoctoral Fellowships provide funding for postdoctoral career development through international, cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary mobility.

    You can apply for a postdoctoral fellowship:

    • As a scientific supervisor together with a postdoctoral fellow from abroad for a project in your working group at the UKE, or ·
    • If you have recently begun a postdoctoral position at the UKE after having worked or lived abroad for a long time, or
    • If you are planning a stay abroad

    Depending on the destination country, there are two types of postdoctoral fellowship:

    • European Postdoctoral Fellowships for a 12 to 24-month research stay in an EU member state or associated country.
    • Global Postdoctoral Fellowships for a 12 to 24-month research stay outside of Europe, after which you are obliged to complete a 12-month return phase in a research institution in an EU member state or associated country.

    Main points of the call:

    • The target group is researchers who hold a PhD and have a maximum of 8 years‘ research experience since completion (extensions can be made under certain conditions).
    • The mobility rule applies: Applicants cannot have lived or worked in the country of the host institution for longer than twelve months within the last three years before the deadline for submission.
    • The applicant is free to choose the research topic of the proposal.
    • The EU funding includes unit costs for the salary of the researchers and for research, training and networking costs in addition to management and indirect costs.
    The next deadline is on 11 September 2024.

    For further information click here and/or contact us .

    Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks

    The Doctoral Networks provide funding to develop an international, interdisciplinary, and coss-sectoral graduate training programme.

    You can apply for three different types:

    • Standard Doctoral Networks (DN)
    • Industrial Doctorates (ID)
    • Joint Doctorates (JD)

    Main points of the call:

    • To be eligible, a consortium needs to have at least three institutions, at least one of which is from an EU member state and two others from different member states or associated countries. For Industrial Doctorates and Joint Doctorates there are further specific requirements.
    • The applicants are free to choose the research topic of the proposal.
    • The duration for the Doctoral Networks and the Industrial Doctorates can be a maximum of four years and for Joint Doctorates five.
    • The EU-funding includes fixed rates for the salary of the PhD students and for training, research, networking and management and indirect costs.

    The next deadline is on 27 November 2024.

    For further information click here and/or contact us .

  • Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) JU Calls

    The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) is a private-public partnership that offers funding for health research and innovation. Projects include both academic and industry partners and should address public health needs, improve the lives of patients and boost the competitiveness of Europe’s health industries.


    The topics for IHI Call 8 have been published.

    The deadline for the first stage will be on 10 October 2024.

    For further information, follow the IHI links IHI call 8 and Find partners and/or contact us .

  • Other clusters and programme parts with health aspects

    In addition to the topics under Cluster Health, there are topics among the other clusters and programme parts of Horizon Europe that relate to health and that are thence relevant to the UKE.

    We will keep you updated.

  • European Innovation Council (EIC)

    The EIC supports breakthrough innovations throughout the lifecycle from early stage research, to proof of concept, technology transfer, and the financing and scale up of start-ups and small and medium sized enterprises.

    Open EIC Transition Open

    The EIC Transition programme funds innovation activities that go beyond experimental proof of principle. Both maturation and validation of novel technologies from laboratory to application in the relevant environment, and the development of a business case and business model towards the innovation’s future commercialisation are supported.

    Main points:

    • Proposals must build on the results of EU-funded projects (e.g. EIC Pathfinder, ERC Proof of concept Grants, Horizon 2020 Societal challenges and Leadership in Industrial Technologies, Horizon Europe pillar II) at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 3 (experimental proof of concept) or 4 (technology validated in lab).
    • EIC Transition open has a bottom-up approach, no predefined topics.
    • Single applicants or small consortia (maximum 5 partners) can apply.
    • The budget ranges from EUR 0,5 – 2,5 million per project for a project duration between 1 and 3 years.
    • The application procedure is one-stage, the evaluation process two-stage: evaluation by EIC expert evaluators and, if successful, an interview with the EIC jury.
    • The deadline is on 18 September 2024.

    For further information, follow the Link and/or contact us .

  • Mission Cancer

    One novelty of Horizon Europe is it ambitious missions with the aim of finding solutions to greater challenges. EU Mission: Cancer addresses the topic of cancer and it objectives are understanding, prevention and early detection, diagnosis and treatment, and quality of life of cancer patients and their families. The work programme 2023-2025 has now been published and the open calls 2024 are linked below:

    Currently open Deadline: 18 September 2024

    For further information, follow the links and/or contact us .

  • COST - European Cooperation in Science and Technology

    COST actions support networks for innovative research activities in Europe.

    The main points of the call:

    • Funding for network activities regarding research topics that you are free to choose
    • To be eligible, a consortium needs to be comprised of at least seven COST members or cooperating members, at least 50% of which need to be from Inclusiveness Target Countries. Participants from non-EU countries are eligible
    • The duration of a COST-Action is 4 years
    • One-stage application
    • The application is open for submission until 23 October 2024 at 12.00 (noon) CEST.
    Link to the call text: COST

    For further information, follow the links and/or contact us .

  • Digital Europe Programme: health-related topics

    The Digital Europe Programme aims to advance the digital transformation of Europe and to increase access to digital technologies for businesses, citizens and public administrations. Within the programme there are a number of health related topics and we will keep you posted on upcoming and open calls. For further information, visit the Work Programme 2023-2024.

    For further information, follow the above link or contact us.

  • EU4Health Programme

    The EU4Health Programme complements measures taken by the member states to make health systems stronger, more resilient and more accessible.

    There are currently four open topics.

    Open=> Deadline 10 October 2024

    For further information, the European Health and Digital Executive Agency has published a tentative calendar for further upcoming grant calls in 2024 and 2025. Topics include vaccine development, respiratory protection, medicines production, cancer screening programmes and health literacy. More detailed information on the topics is available in the Work Programme 2024 and on the Tentative calendar for upcoming grant calls .

    For further information contact us .

  • European Research Area Network TRANSCAN-3

    TRANSCAN-3 transnational call (JTC 2024) "Combination therapies against cancer: new opportunities for translational research"

    • Maximum of six partners from at least three countries
    • Two-stage proposal
    • Requirement to cover one of three specified aims
    • For more information on the topic and conditions, visit the call page

    Original, high-quality projects, with significant clinical impact expected to improve the efficacy of personalised cancer treatment will be funded. The deadline for the first stage of the proposal was on 5 July 2024. The deadline for the second stage is 29 November 2024.

    For further information, follow the above links and/or contact us .

Here you can find the EU calls that are most relevant for UKE.
For further information and advice, contact us