18th september 2024 - 9 am to 2:30 pm

HSII Pre-Opening Symposium

Prior to the main symposium, the "HSII Pre-Opening Symposium" will also take place on September 18, 2024, from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm in the new HCTI building (N25).

The program and the registration form can be found here

18th - 20th September 2024

HCTI Opening Symposium

  • Campus Lehre (N55), Ian K. Karan Lecture Hall

    Welcome Address and Opening Remarks

    Moderation: Nicola Tomas

    Christian Gerloff - Medical Director and Chairman of the Board, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE)

    Blanche Schwappach-Pignataro - Member of the Board and Dean of the Medical Faculty, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE)

    Ulf Panzer - Chairman of the Hamburg Center of Translational Immunology (HCTI), University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE)

    Keynote Lecture

    Chair: Manuel Friese & Eva Tolosa

    Burkhard Becher, University of Zurich (UZH)
    Discovery of a new GM-CSF dependent macrophage in mammalian development.

    HCTI - Hamburg Center for Translational Immunology (N25), Ground Floor

    Welcome Reception

  • Campus Lehre (N55), Ian K. Karan Lecture Hall

    Session 1: Tissue-resident memory

    Chair: Hans-Willi Mittrücker & Madeleine Bunders

    Liv Eidsmo - University of Copenhagen
    Local and distal renewal of resident T cells in human skin

    Chiara Romagnani - Deutsches Rheuma-Forschungszentrum Berlin
    NK cell clonality and memory

    Ulf Panzer - University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, UKE
    Immune profiling-based treatment of autoimmune kidney diseases

    Nicola Gagliani - University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, UKE
    Effects of short-term dietary interventions on immunity and tumour therapies

    Nariaki Asada - University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, UKE
    The integrated stress response/eIF2a pathway controls cytokine production in tissue-resident memory CD4+ T cells

    Coffee Break

    Session 2: At the crossroads of innate and adaptive immunity

    Chair: Britta Zecher & Chiara Romagnani

    Erin Adams - The University of Chicago
    Differentiation and function of cytotoxic T cells in chronic infection and cancer

    Björn-Philipp Diercks - University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, UKE
    Initial Ca2+ microdomains in T cells - Role of extra and intracellular adenine nucleotides

    Immo Prinz - University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, UKE
    Innate and adaptive γδ T cells

    Marcus Altfeld - University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, UKE
    HLA class II-dependent regulation of NK cell function

    Lorenz Adlung - University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, UKE
    scMod: From single-cell data to immune dynamics

    Change of venue: HCTI - Hamburg Center for Translational Immunology (N25), Ground Floor.

    Networking Lunch & Poster Session

    Campus Lehre (N55), Ian K. Karan Lecture Hall

    Session 3: Translational Immunology

    Chair: Regine Dress & Tim Magnus

    Francisco Quintana - Harvard Medical School
    Regulation of CNS inflammation

    Marco Prinz - Universität Freiburg
    The myeloid side of the brain

    Petra Arck - University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, UKE
    Towards decoding the space-time continuum of pregnancy

    Tobias Huber - University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, UKE
    Immune mediated kidney disease: From endotypes to patient cure

    Felicitas Hengel - University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
    Nephrin autoantibodies in glomerular disease

    Coffee Break

    Session 4: T Cell Immune Responses

    Chair: Nicola Gagliani & Petra Arck

    Axel Kallies - The University of Melbourne, Doherty Institute
    Differentiation and function of cytotoxic T cells in chronic infection and cancer

    Christina Zielinski - Leibniz Institute for Natural Products Research and Infection Biology
    Regulation of CD8 T cell cytotoxicity by ionic signals in the tumor microenvironment.

    Madeleine Bunders - University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, UKE
    Epithelial cell-lymphocyte networks regulating intestinal development

    Samuel Huber - University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, UKE
    Differentiation and function of cytotoxic T cells in chronic infection and cancer

    Jana Sonner - University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, UKE
    The GDF-15–GFRAL axis controls autoimmune T cell responses during CNS inflammatio

  • Campus Lehre (N55), Ian K. Karan Lecture Hall

    Keynote Lecture

    Chair: Ulf Panzer & Gisa Tiegs

    Sarah Gaffen - University of Pittsburgh
    At the crossroads of IL-17 signaling in autoimmunity and host defense

    Session 5: Immunity in Tissues

    Chair: Ulf Panzer & Gisa Tiegs

    Christoph Kuppe - RWTH Aachen University
    Application of spatial-multiomics in heart and kidney disease

    Marie Weskamm - University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, UKE
    Dissecting immune responses to vaccination using
    systems vaccinology

    Tim Magnus - University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, UKE
    Immunological Networks in Ischemic Stroke: latest Data from Mice and Men

    Christoph Schramm - University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, UKE
    T cells in the liver: disease drivers and therapeutic targets

    Ines Sophie Schädlich - University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, UKE
    BrEndO - a new mouse model for cerebral vasculitis

    Coffee break

    Session 6: Translational Immunology

    Chair: Immo Prinz & Liv Eidsmo

    Wolfgang Kastenmüller - University of Würzburg
    A distinct phase of CD8 T cell priming selects high affinity clones and scales effector cell formation

    Manuel Friese - University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, UKE
    Understanding the neuronal inflammatory response to halt neurodegeneration inmultiple sclerosis

    Christian Krebs - University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, UKE
    Decoding the T cell immunity by combined multiplex spatial analysis of the inflammatory niche and crescent development in kidney autoimmune disease.

    Stefan Bonn - University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, UKE
    Understanding common and distinct principles across immune-mediated kidney disease using computational medicine

    Robin Khatri - University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
    Computational deconvolution to study complex tissue microenvironments

    Closing Remarks: Petra Arck, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE)

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HCTI Symposium Registration Now Closed

We would like to inform everyone that registration for the HCTI Symposium is officially closed.

However, if you are still interested in attending individual lectures or sessions, you are welcome to come to the venue on the day of the event. Please note that seating will be subject to availability on a first-come, first-served basis.

We look forward to seeing you at the symposium!

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Further Information