The role of androgens in autoimmune liver diseases

Women are more prone to develop the autoimmune liver diseases autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) and primary biliary cholangitis (PBC). Affected men, on the other hand, show a more severe course of disease. Indeed, sex differences in autoimmune liver diseases are among the strongest of all autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune liver diseases are rare diseases which are difficult to treat and thus often lead to liver cirrhosis and death. Due to the lack of understanding disease pathogenesis causal treatment is not available. Understanding mechanisms leading to autoimmunity in the liver is crucial in order to develop targeted treatment strategies. Suitable animal models to study sex differences in AIH or PBC had been lacking. We have developed an inducible mouse model of autoimmune cholangitis, which shows female predominance similar to PBC and with male resistance to liver inflammation attributed to the protective effects of testosterone. Based on our previous and preliminary data from mouse models and human studies we here hypothesize that androgens play a critical role in the development and progression of autoimmune liver diseases by modulating T cells directly or indirectly via antigen presenting cells.


Weltzsch JP, Bartel CF, Waldmann M, Renné T, Schulze S, Terziroli Beretta-Piccoli B, Papp M, Ye O, Ronca V, Sebode M, Lohse AW, Schramm C, and Hartl J. (2024)
Optimizing thiopurine therapy in autoimmune hepatitis: A multi-center study on monitoring metabolite profiles and co-therapy with allopurinol
Hepatology Online ahead of print.

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Liwinski T*, Auer MK*, Schröder J, Pieknik I, Casar C, Schwinge D, Henze L, Stalla GK, Lang UE, von Klitzing A, Briken P, Hildebrandt T, Desbuleux JC, Biedermann SV, Holterhus P-M, Bang C, Schramm C*, Fuss J*. (2024)
Gender Affirming Hormonal Therapy Induces a Gender-1 Concordant Fecal Metagenome Transition in Transgender Individuals.
BMC Medicine in press.

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Schregel I, Papp M, Sipeki N, Kovats PJ, Taubert R, Engel B, Campos-Murguia A, Dalekos GN, Gatselis N, Zachou K, Milkiewicz P, Janik MK, Raszeja-Wyszomirska J, Ytting H, Braun F, Casar C, Sebode M, Lohse AW, Schramm C; European Reference Network (ERN) RARE‐LIVER. (2024)
Unmet needs in autoimmune hepatitis: Results of the prospective multicentre European Reference Network Registry (R-LIVER)
Liver Int Online ahead of print.

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Montano-Loza AJ, Lytvyak E, Hirschfield G, Hansen BE, Ebadi M, Berney T, Toso C, Magini G, Villamil A, Nevens F, Van den Ende N, Pares A, Ruiz P, Terrabuio D, Trivedi PJ, Abbas N, Donato MF, Yu L, Landis C, Dumortier J, Dyson JK, van der Meer AJ, de Veer R, Pedersen M, Mayo M, Manns MP, Taubert R, Theresa K, Belli LS, Mazzarelli C, Stirnimann G, Floreani A, Cazzagon N, Russo FP, Burra P, Zigmound U, Houri I, Carbone M, Mulinacci G, Fagiuoli S, Pratt DS, Bonder A, Schiano TD, Haydel B, Lohse A, Schramm C, Rüther D, Casu S, Verhelst X, Beretta-Piccoli BT, Robles M, Mason AL, Corpechot C; Global PBC Study Group. (2024)
Prognostic Scores for Ursodeoxycholic Acid-Treated Patients Predict Graft Loss and Mortality in Recurrent Primary Biliary Cholangitis after Liver Transplantation.
J Hepatol Online ahead of print

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Nayagam JS, Weismüller TJ, Milkiewicz P, Wronka KM, Bik E, Schramm C, Fuessel K, Zhou T, Chang J, Färkkilä M, Carlsson Y, Lundman A, Cazzagon N, Corrà G, Rigopoulou E, Dalekos GN, Båve AL, Bergquist A, Ben Belkacem K, Marzioni M, Mancinelli M, Verhelst X, Marschall HU, Heneghan MA, Joshi D; International PSC Study Group (IPSCSG). (2024)
Maternal liver-related symptoms during pregnancy in primary sclerosing cholangitis
JHEP Rep 6:100951

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Colapietro F, Maisonneuve P, Lytvyak E, Beuers U, Verdonk RC, van der Meer AJ, van Hoek B, Kuiken SD, Brouwer JT, Muratori P, Aghemo A, Carella F, van den Berg AP, Zachou K, Dalekos GN, Di Zeo-Sánchez DE, Robles M, Andrade RJ, Montano-Loza AJ, van den Brand FF, Slooter CD; Dutch AIH Study Group; International Autoimmune Hepatitis Group. (2024)
Incidence and predictors of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with autoimmune hepatitis.
J Heptol 80:53-61

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Corpechot C, Lemoinne S, Soret PA, Hansen B, Hirschfield G, Gulamhusein A, Montano-Loza AJ, Lytvyak E, Pares A, Olivas I, Eaton JE, Osman KT, Schramm C, Sebode M, Lohse AW, Dalekos G, Gatselis N, Nevens F, Cazzagon N, Zago A, Russo FP, Floreani A, Abbas N, Trivedi P, Thorburn D, Saffioti F, Barkai L, Roccarina D, Calvaruso V, Fichera A, Delamarre A, Sobenko N, Villamil AM, Medina-Morales E, Bonder A, Patwardhan V, Rigamonti C, Carbone M, Invernizzi P, Cristoferi L, van der Meer A, de Veer R, Zigmond E, Yehezkel E, Kremer AE, Deibel A, Bruns T, Große K, Wetten A, Dyson JK, Jones D, Dumortier J, Pageaux GP, de Lédinghen V, Chazouillères O, Carrat F; Global & ERN Rare-Liver PBC Study Groups. (2024)
Adequate vs. deep response to UDCA in PBC: To what extent and under what conditions is normal ALP level associated with complication-free survival gain?
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Corpechot C, Carrat F, Gaouar F, Chau F, Hirschfield G, Gulamhusein A, Montano-Loza AJ, Lytvyak E, Schramm C, Pares A, Olivas I, Eaton JE, Osman KT, Dalekos G, Gatselis N, Nevens F, Cazzagon N, Zago A, Russo FP, Abbas N, Trivedi P, Thorburn D, Saffioti F, Barkai L, Roccarina D, Calvaruso V, Fichera A, Delamarre A, Medina-Morales E, Bonder A, Patwardhan V, Rigamonti C, Carbone M, Invernizzi P, Cristoferi L, van der Meer A, de Veer R, Zigmond E, Yehezkel E, Kremer AE, Deibel A, Dumortier J, Bruns T, Große K, Pageaux GP, Wetten A, Dyson J, Jones D, Chazouilleres O, Hansen B, de Lédinghen V; Global & ERN Rare-Liver PBC Study Groups. (2022)
Liver stiffness measurement by vibration-controlled transient elastography improves outcome prediction in primary biliary cholangitis
J Hepatol 77:1545-1553

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Montano-Loza AJ, Ronca V, Ebadi M, Hansen BE, Hirschfield G, Elwir S, Alsaed M, Milkiewicz P, Janik MK, Marschall HU, Burza MA, Efe C, Calışkan AR, Harputluoglu M, Kabaçam G, Terrabuio D, de Quadros Onofrio F, Selzner N, Bonder A, Parés A, Llovet L, Akyıldız M, Arikan C, Manns MP, Taubert R, Weber AL, Schiano TD, Haydel B, Czubkowski P, Socha P, Ołdak N, Akamatsu N, Tanaka A, Levy C, Martin EF, Goel A, Sedki M, Jankowska I, Ikegami T, Rodriguez M, Sterneck M, Weiler-Normann C, Schramm C, Donato MF, Lohse A, Andrade RJ, Patwardhan VR, van Hoek B, Biewenga M, Kremer AE, Ueda Y, Deneau M, Pedersen M, Mayo MJ, Floreani A, Burra P, Secchi MF, Beretta-Piccoli BT, Sciveres M, Maggiore G, Jafri SM, Debray D, Girard M, Lacaille F, Lytvyak E, Mason AL, Heneghan M, Oo YH; International Autoimmune Hepatitis Group (IAIHG). (2022)
Risk factors and outcomes associated with recurrent autoimmune hepatitis following liver transplantation
J Hepatol 77:p84-97

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Pape S, Snijders RJ, Gevers TJ, Chazouilleres O, Dalekos GN, Hirschfield GM, Lenzi M, Trauner M, Manns MP, Vierling JM, Montano-Loza AJ, Lohse AW, Schramm C, Drenth JP, Heneghan MA; International Autoimmune Hepatitis Group (IAIHG) collaborators. (2022)
Systematic review of response criteria and endpoints in autoimmune hepatitis by the International Autoimmune Hepatitis Group
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Karlsen TH, Sheron N, Zelber-Sagi S, Carrieri P, Dusheiko G, Bugianesi E, Pryke R, Hutchinson SJ, Sangro B, Martin NK, Cecchini M, Dirac MA, Belloni A, Serra-Burriel M, Ponsioen CY, Sheena B, Lerouge A, Devaux M, Scott N, Hellard M, Verkade HJ, Sturm E, Marchesini G, Yki-Järvinen H, Byrne CD, Targher G, Tur-Sinai A, Barrett D, Ninburg M, Reic T, Taylor A, Rhodes T, Treloar C, Petersen C, Schramm C, Flisiak R, Simonova MY, Pares A, Johnson P, Cucchetti A, Graupera I, Lionis C, Pose E, Fabrellas N, Ma AT, Mendive JM, Mazzaferro V, Rutter H, Cortez-Pinto H, Kelly D, Burton R, Lazarus JV, Ginès P, Buti M, Newsome PN, Burra P, Manns MP. (2022)
The EASL-Lancet Liver Commission: protecting the next generation of Europeans against liver disease complications and premature mortality
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Heinemann M, Liwinski T, Adam R, Berenguer M, Mirza D, Malek-Hosseini SA, Heneghan MA, Lodge P, Pratschke J, Boudjema K, Paul A, Zieniewicz K, Fronek J, Mehrabi A, Acarli K, Tokat Y, Coker A, Yilmaz S, Karam V, Duvoux C, Lohse AW, Schramm C; all the other contributing centers ( and the European Liver and Intestine Transplant Association (ELITA). (2022)
Long-term outcome after living donor liver transplantation compared to donation after brain death in autoimmune liver diseases: Experience from the European Liver Transplant Registry
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Laschtowitz A, Zachou K, Lygoura V, Pape S, Derben F, Jaeckel E, Oller-Moreno S, Weidemann S, Krech T, Piecha F, Schön G, Liebhoff AM, Al Tarrah M, Heneghan M, Drenth JPH, Dalekos G, Taubert R, Lohse AW, Schramm C. (2021)
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Poch T*, Krause J*, Casar C, Timur Liwinski, Laura Glau, Max Kaufmann, Annika E. Ahrenstorf, Leonard U. Hess, Annerose E. Ziegler, Glòria Martrus, Sebastian Lunemann, Sebode M, Li J, Schwinge D, Krebs CF, Franke A, Manuel A. Friese, Karl J. Oldhafer, Lutz Fischer, Altfeld M, Lohse AW, Huber S, Tolosa E*, Gagliani N*, Schramm C*. (2021)
Single-cell atlas of hepatic T cells reveals expansion of liver-resident naive-like CD4+ T cells in primary sclerosing cholangitis
J Hepatol 75:414-423

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Stein S, Henze L, Poch T, Antonella Carambia, Till Krech, Max Preti, Fenja Amrei Schuran, Maria Reich, Verena Keitel, Romina Fiorotto, Mario Strazzabosco, Lutz Fischer, Jun Li, Luisa Marie Müller, Jonas Wagner, Gagliani N, Herkel J, Schwinge D*, Schramm C*. (2021)
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J Hepatol 74:919-930

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Kunzmann LK*, Schoknecht T*, Poch T, Henze L, Stein S, Kriz M, Grewe I, Preti M, Hartl J, Pannicke N, Peiseler M, Sebode M, Zenouzi R, Horvatits T, Böttcher M, Petersen BS, Weiler-Normann C, Hess LU, Elise Ahrenstorf A, Lunemann S, Martrus G, Fischer L, Li J, Carambia A, Kluwe J, Huber S, Lohse AW, Franke A, Herkel J, Schramm C*, and Schwinge D*. (2020)
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Kummen M*, Thingholm LB*, Rühlemann MC, Kristian Holm, Simen H. Hansen, Lucas Moitinho-Silva, Timur Liwinski, Roman Zenouzi, Christopher, Storm-Larsen, Øyvind Midttun, Adrian McCann, Per M. Ueland, Marte L. Høivik, Mette Vesterhus, Marius Trøseid, Matthias Laudes, Wolfgang Lieb, Tom H. Karlsen, Corinna Bang, Schramm C, Franke A*, Hov JR*. (2021)
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Liwinski T*, Zenouzi R*, John C, Ehlken H, Rühlemann MC, Bang C, Groth S, Lieb W, Kantowski M, Andersen N, Schachschal G, Karlsen TH, Hov JR, Rösch T, Lohse AW, Heeren J, Franke A, Schramm C. (2020)
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Schwinge D, and Schramm C. (2019)
Sex-related factors in autoimmune liver diseases
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Abdulkarim M, Zenouzi R, Sebode M, Schulz L, Quaas A, Lohse AW, Schramm C, and Weiler-Normann C. (2019)
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Scand J Gastroenterol 54: 1391-1396

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Glaser F*, John C*, Engel B*, Höh B, Weidemann S, Dieckhoff J, Stein S, Becker N, Casar C, Amrei Schuran F, Wieschendorf B, Preti M, Jessen F, Franke A, Carambia A, Lohse AW, Ittrich H, Herkel J, Heeren J, Schramm C*, and Schwinge D*. (2019)
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van Heesch S, Witte F*, Schneider-Lunitz V*, Schulz JF*, Adami E, Faber AB, Kirchner M, Maatz H, Blachut S, Sandmann CL, Kanda M, Worth CL, Schafer S, Calviello L, Merriott R, Patone G, Hummel O, Wyler E, Obermayer B, Mücke MB, Lindberg EL, Trnka F, Memczak S, Schilling M, Felkin LE, Barton PJR, Quaife NM, Vanezis K, Diecke S ,Mukai M, Mah N, Oh SJ, Kurtz A, Schramm C, Schwinge D, Sebode M, Harakalova M, Asselbergs FW, Vink A, de Weger RA, Viswanathan S, Widjaja AA, Gärtner-Rommel A, Milting H, dos Remedios C, Knosalla C, Mertins P, Landthaler M, Vingron M, Linke WA, Seidman JG, Seidman C, Rajewsky N, Ohler U, Cook SA, Hubner N. (2019)
The Translational Landscape of the Human Heart
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Schramm C. (2018)
Bile Acids, the Microbiome, Immunity, and Liver Tumors
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Weismüller TJ, Trivedi PJ, Bergquist A, Imam M, Lenzen H, Ponsioen CY, Holm K, Gotthardt D, Färkkilä MA, Marschall HU, Thorburn D, Weersma RK, Fevery J, Mueller T, Chazouillères O, Schulze K, Lazaridis KN, Almer S, Pereira SP, Levy C, Mason A, Naess S, Bowlus CL, Floreani A, Halilbasic E, Yimam KK, Milkiewicz P, Beuers U, Huynh DK, Pares A, Manser CN, Dalekos GN, Eksteen B, Invernizzi P, Berg CP, Kirchner GI, Sarrazin C, Zimmer V, Fabris L, Braun F, Marzioni M, Juran BD, Said K, Rupp C, Jokelainen K, Benito de Valle M, Saffioti F, Cheung A, Trauner M, Schramm C, Chapman RW, Karlsen TH, Schrumpf E, Strassburg CP, Manns MP, Lindor KD, Hirschfield GM, Hansen BE, Boberg KM; and International PSC Study Group. (2017)
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Schwinge D, von Haxthausen F, Quaas A, Carambia A, Otto B, Glaser F, Höh B, Thiele N, Schoknecht T, Huber S, Steffens N, Lohse AW, Herkel J, and Schramm C. (2017)
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Hartl J, Denzer U, Ehlken H, Zenouzi R, Peiseler M, Sebode M, Hübener S, Pannicke N, Weiler-Normann C, Quaas A, Lohse AW, and Schramm C. (2016)
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J Hepatol 65: 769-75

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* equally contributing authors